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Weekly Commentary • Nov 11 2016
November 9, 2016; Trump Wins – Post Election Special Edition

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “Capital grew over the last 35 years all over the world while labor was left behind. Now [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 11, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Nov 11 2016
Trump Wins – Post Election Special Edition

About this week’s show: Mainstream Media Fails & Their Decline Begins What Kind Of Man Will President Trump Be & What Can He Do In 100 Days? 2017 [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 11, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Nov 09 2016
The Day After – Half of the Electorate Shocked & In Disbelief

About this week’s show: New President Inherits Consequences of an 8 Year Economic Illusion Wall Street Shows Hand & Found to be in Bed With Hillary [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 9, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Nov 04 2016
November 2, 2016; Aden Interview: 2016 = Uncertainty, Anger and the Turnaround for Gold

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “It really is interesting. I think it can go on a lot longer than you imagine. And we [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 4, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Nov 02 2016
Aden Interview: 2016 = Uncertainty, Anger and the Turnaround for Gold

About this week’s show: Election antics and WikiLeaks iceburg: Still small on top but gigantic underneath Gold will have a very good 2017! Fed cannot raise [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 2, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 28 2016
October 26, 2016; Key U.S. Ally Suddenly Switches Allegiance To China

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “Imagine launching a car off of a ramp. Your maximum acceleration combined with maximum [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 28, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 26 2016
Key U.S. Ally Suddenly Switches Allegiance To China

About this week’s show: George Soros gladly provides 16 states with “unrigged” voting machines Duterte – “I announce my separation from The United [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 26, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 19 2016
October 19, 2016; $20 Trillion in Debt, Who Cares!? Just Numbers On A Screen

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick We have economic activity this week. We have financial firms that are closest to the [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 19, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 19 2016
$20 Trillion in Debt, Who Cares!? Just Numbers On A Screen

About this week’s show: 1971 $1 Debt = $5 Growth… Today = $1 Shrink The Fed is Trapped – Rates Cannot Raise Or It All Comes Apart Last Week The RAF Gave [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 19, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 12 2016
October 12, 2016; Jim Deeds: The Election is about Changing Forever the America We Knew

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick You look at life and say, ‘Some things go on and on and on, but most things do change, [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 12, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 12 2016
Jim Deeds: The Election is about Changing Forever the America We Knew

About this week’s show: Gold mining shares have been historically cheap relative to gold Both oil and gold mining industries are stronger and leaner due to [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 12, 2016
Weekly Commentary • Oct 07 2016
October 5, 2016; Is Deutche Bank the Next Lehman? – Hillary Hopes Not

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “In essence we went from a banking crisis in 2008 and 2009 to an even larger issue today, [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 7, 2016
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