Fed backstop creates unreal disconnect Statues Fall: Woodrow Wilson, Teddy Roosevelt, & Ulysses Grant? If you saw a Marxist revolution happening would you [...]
Study shows negative rates could be -14% in 2 years? Watch out for official competitive currency devaluations worldwide Fed Chief Powell comments read like a [...]
Less than 10 people get $565 billion richer since March lows While 40 million less fortunate file for unemployment “Fair to say you simply flooded the system [...]
We are living in the early stages of failed central planning Bear markets unfold when social mood turns decidedly negative Past episodes of currency [...]
Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis coming to you soon Gold hits record high levels in most currencies Group think & momentum – Forget [...]
Politicians recognize C19 “cry for help” is their huge career opportunity Many furloughed employees making more than when working Will Corona virus finish [...]
Accumulate gold for now & rehearse your exit strategy for later If you own equities, make sure you are “paid to wait” Dalio, Druckenmiller, & [...]
Man on the street intuition: “I want some silver coins,”. Fed Intervention is about keeping bankers solvent. Warren Buffett Speaks: Beware of what he says [...]
The Covid carte blanche power grab Covid excuse to spend trillions – (you get to pay it back) New cold war companions? Russia & China. CLICK HERE to [...]
“I’d gladly pay you Tuesday to take this barrel of oil today” Oil contracts drop to zero, then to negative -$44.00 Fragility in all debt ridden assets [...]
How To Thrive? An Interview With James Howard Kunstler Be compelled to make yourself useful to others Modern Monetary Theory is an adventure in complete [...]
The Fed is both the fireman and the arsonist What if the world doesn’t want the dollar to be the reserve currency? Federal express planes fill the skies [...]
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