“Just In Time” inventory management hits wall with COVID politics Mortal Fear is a powerful manipulator Supply, Demand, & Monetary Dynamics all [...]
Digital Rocks? Remember the Pet Rock? Interest rates creeping up – Inflation Fears? FED Presidents Rosengren & Kaplan (Forced?) to Resign The [...]
The next election will bring massive change and the Dems are worried China can’t control the riots when food inflation hits Powell & others in FED caught [...]
NY FED Expects 5.2% Inflation Alipay Breakup accelerates China’s domestic power grab Big Data & Government – Easy to abuse? China’s Digital [...]
Taiwan – Will China use it for an indirect attack on the U.S.? Soros sees possible collapse in Chinese Financial Markets From Nixon to Carter & from [...]
RAND Corp: Taliban running Afghanistan shows that Beijing is setting agenda of regional order China’s “Common Prosperity” is all about [...]
Is the Fed losing its excuse to pump in $120 billion in QE per month? Vaccine Immunity: All profit & no liability for big drug companies Bond ETFs – [...]
Sentiment Index (University of MI) Drops Big Based On Inflation Fears 80% Surveyed Blame Biden for Inflation Kabul Debacle May Trigger a “Wag the [...]
August 15, 1971, Nixon ends dollar convertibility to gold Since 1971, Dollar moves from 1/35 of an ounce to 1/1700 an ounce of gold Summer of 2021 is just as [...]
Corporate Heads warn of substantial price increases coming Biden: “Intelligent Economists not worried about inflation” China’s massive [...]
A look back at the concerns of Harold James & Otmar Issing Will a breakdown of global cooperation lead to even higher inflation? Can money be printed [...]
Mohamed A. El-Erian “Lower yields are no longer good news for stocks” Gold noticeably resilient on Monday’s “Everything” [...]
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