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Weekly Commentary • Sep 18 2013
Chris Martenson: What’s Next?

About this week’s show: What’s next for the economy? What’s next for the markets? Why silver is so intriguing. About the Guest: Father of three [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Sep 18, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Sep 13 2013
September 11, 2013; John Williams: Govt. Statistics 12 yrs after 9/11

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin:  David, they added 500 extra billion dollars to our GDP just by changing the [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Sep 13, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Sep 11 2013
John Williams: Govt. Statistics 12 yrs after 9/11

About this week’s show: Government Statistics Current GDP numbers and inflation Expectations of Hyper Inflation in Months and years ahead The McAlvany Weekly [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Sep 11, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Sep 05 2013
September 4, 2013;

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: People want real gold right now, David. I think the story of the week is just how [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Sep 5, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Sep 04 2013
U.S. Stock Market: Tapertantrums and Hopium

About this week’s show: Debt ceiling debate a bottomless pit Big government means slow growth Gold bottom in, with rise to come The McAlvany Weekly [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Sep 4, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 30 2013
August 28, 2013; John Embry on Gold

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: Before we join our guest, which I am always encouraged by, Dave, John Embry, as he [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 30, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 28 2013
John Embry on Gold

About this week’s show: Official stats bogus, basis for most decisions Western central banks running out of gold Gold to rise in early fall About the [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 28, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 22 2013
August 21, 2013; Gold,Stocks,Treasuries: Strange Valuations

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, as much as gold fell, we’ve already seen a 16% rebound from the bottom on [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 22, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 21 2013
Gold,Stocks,Treasuries: Strange Valuations

About this week’s show: FED Taper equals failure Can we trust Obama to close the rich/poor gap? Quietly gold recovers 16% off lows, silver 24% The McAlvany [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 21, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 15 2013
August 14, 2013; Ian McAvity: Gold is Pouring from the West to East

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: Our guest, today, David, Ian McAvity, is a favorite of ours. He has been a friend of [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 15, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 14 2013
Ian McAvity: Gold is Pouring from the West to East

About this week’s show: Summers at Fed would be bad news for us Price drop in April caused rush to physical gold PB of China to be 2nd largest holder of [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 14, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 09 2013
August 7, 2013; Is 3,000% Inflation Really Price Stability?

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, what I would like to do today is look at the Fed and try to do a report card. [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 9, 2013
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