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Weekly Commentary • Aug 07 2013
Is 3,000% Inflation Really Price Stability?

About this week’s show: Contentious monetary policies Shocking Shanghai gold demand Silver’s road ahead, currency or commodity? The McAlvany Weekly [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 7, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Aug 02 2013
July 31, 2013; There are Three Kinds of Lies

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, we’ve talked about the fact that the last few decades Keynesianism has been [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Aug 2, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 31 2013
There are Three Kinds of Lies

About this week’s show: Lies (Money printing works) Damned lies (We’re really in a recovery) Statistics (The new/improved GDP!) The McAlvany Weekly [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 31, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 26 2013
July 24, 2013; Motown to No-Town in Under 6 Seconds

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: Your family, David, has an interesting history with Detroit. I remember, we have [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 26, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 24 2013
Motown to No-Town in Under 6 Seconds

About this week’s show: Stock Market context more dangerous by the day Detroit in pieces 1) Pension losses 2) Muni Dangers Bernanke “I don’t pretend to [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 24, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 18 2013
July 17, 2013; Super Gold Bull

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: We’re just getting back, David, from a trip where we spent time with clients in [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 18, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 17 2013
Super Gold Bull

About this week’s show: Central bank policies defining all market prices False narrative of recovery is dying Gold bull still intact Power Point [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 17, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 12 2013
July 10, 2013; States Need Gold Reserves: Senator Kent Lambert

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: Our guest today is [Colorado State] Senator Kent Lambert. David, it is interesting, [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 12, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 10 2013
States Need Gold Reserves: Senator Kent Lambert

About this week’s show: Changing political landscape in U.S. Europe in transition Middle Eastern turmoil echoes of Muslim brotherhood The McAlvany Weekly [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 10, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 05 2013
July 3, 2013; Turning of the Tide in Gold Sentiment

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin:  David, the system is broken.  I want to talk about gold today, I want to talk [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 5, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jul 03 2013
Turning of the Tide in Gold Sentiment

About this week’s show: Financial market & derivative frailties Successful “Bear Raid” on gold is over East benefits from western paper gold sell off [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 3, 2013
Weekly Commentary • Jun 28 2013
June 26, 2013; James Rickards: Currency Wars and $7,000 Gold

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: Today, James Rickards. David: Our conversation with Jim, well, who is he? An [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 28, 2013
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