The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “That’s the choice that’s coming. There will be a revolution. We will go either [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “Options are closing off, and pressure is building. And in a moment of crisis, people or [...]
About this week’s show: The current wars in the Middle East originated hundreds of years ago Wars are usually bad guys vs bad guys, we should stay out The [...]
About this week’s show: Global debt to GDP 240%, higher than before Lehman Negative yielding debt now 9.9 trillion Saudi is shifting alliances after nuclear [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “This is the nature of central banks creating targets. The targets aren’t for them, the [...]
About this week’s show: Triple A rated bonds drop from 98 to just 2 choices WENDY’S replaces cashiers with automated kiosks Draghi blames piggy bank [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “We are on the cusp of once-in-a-generation opportunity, a wealth transfer that occurs [...]
About this week’s show: From Industrial Recession to Retail Recession A New Reserve Currency? Be careful what you wish for Trump’s answer to the Debt [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “It’s the same old disease. Why wait until tomorrow to purchase something when I [...]
About this week’s show: Shanghai Gold Exchange delivers PHYSICAL gold, not just paper Deutsche Bank: “We need MORE NEGATIVE Rates”! Is the Gerontocracy [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “If inflation expectations move significantly, you have the self-fulfilling cycle of real [...]
About this week’s show: Gold up 20%, Silver up 28% in four months IF gold dips in price, add to your position Goldman Sachs predicts 3 FED interest rate [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “What has happened is, your money is not buying what it used to. It is not worth what it [...]
About this week’s show: Jackson ejected the Central Bankers, now they’ve ejected him Saudi’s to Iran: “We’ll stop pumping ONLY when you stop [...]
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “I believe, personally, that my gold and silver stocks that I own today will go up 20-40 [...]
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