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Credit Bubble Weekly • Apr 18 2015
My Weekly Commentary: Horrible Risk Versus Reward

I found myself this week reflecting back to this past May, shortly after Ben Bernanke began his (reportedly) $250,000 dinner meetings. May 6 – Bloomberg: [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Apr 18, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Apr 11 2015
My Weekly Commentary: A Tale of Two Entangled Super Bubbles

“This past month may be remembered as the moment the United States lost its role as the underwriter of the global economic system. True, there have been any [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Apr 11, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Mar 28 2015
My Weekly Commentary: A Progressively Maladjusted “Economic Sphere”

March 27 – Bloomberg (by Christopher CondonIan Katz): “Federal Reserve officials, fresh from the latest round of tests designed to ensure the safety of the [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Mar 28, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Mar 21 2015
My Weekly Commentary: True Ultra-Dovishness

The S&P500 rallied 45 points (2.2%) intraday on Federal Reserve Wednesday, to end the session with a 1.2% gain. The dollar index traded with an intraday [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Mar 21, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Mar 14 2015
My Weekly Commentary: EM Contagion & A New Z.1

With the (king) U.S. dollar index trading Friday above 100 for the first time since 2003, the unfolding EM – ongoing “global reflation trade” – [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Mar 14, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Mar 07 2015
My Weekly Commentary: King Dollar Tipping Point

The U.S. unemployment rate has dropped to 5.5%, cut almost in half from the 2009 high.  The rate is down 1.2 percentage points from a year ago, back to [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Mar 7, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Feb 28 2015
My Weekly Commentary: Periphery Fragility List

There’s a natural ebb and flow to financial markets. It can be clear-cut Greed versus Fear – but often it’s more leaning Risk Embracement or Risk [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Feb 28, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Feb 21 2015
My Weekly Commentary: The Curse of Moneyness

“In all speculative episodes there is always an element of pride in discovering what is seemingly new and greatly rewarding in the way of financial [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Feb 21, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Feb 14 2015
My Weekly Commentary: Store of Value

If I had my druthers, politics would be kept a safe distance apart from economic analysis.  The economics profession, however, is guided by a policymaking [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Feb 14, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Feb 07 2015
My Weekly Commentary: “What Happened to Deleveraging?”

Bloomberg’s Simon Kennedy did a nice job with “A World Overflowing With Debt,” as did the Financial Times’ Ralph Atkins with “Debt Mountains Spark [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Feb 7, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Feb 07 2015
My Weekly Commentary: “What Happened to Deleveraging?”

Bloomberg’s Simon Kennedy did a nice job with “A World Overflowing With Debt,” as did the Financial Times’ Ralph Atkins with “Debt Mountains Spark [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Feb 7, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Jan 31 2015
My Weekly Commentary: Dangerous Games of Chicken

It’s difficult to imagine more challenging analysis.  The global nature of the current Credit Bubble creates dynamics and complexities dissimilar to [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Jan 31, 2015
Credit Bubble Weekly • Jan 24 2015
My Weekly Commentary: Draghi’s Do Whatever it Takes Beats Estimates

As always, the CBB is expression of my own views. It is in no way intended as investment advice. My objective is to chronicle history’s greatest Credit [...]

Doug Noland Posted on Jan 24, 2015
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