
Policy Error – The Risk for 2024 This week’s HAI is going to be short. Sickness has descended upon this author, and its manifestations have been [...]
Economic Boom Time in the Go-Go 2020s This week, Q4 U.S. GDP was reported at what the financial media touted as a “booming” 3.3%. The headline [...]
Danger Zone Recent HAIs have chronicled the breakdown of Goldilocks economic conditions that has occurred in the post-Covid timeframe. Historically [...]
Energy and the Controlled Fiscal Demolition It is a great frustration for HAI to constantly survey the investment landscape for opportunity and repeatedly find [...]
Transitory Goldilocks + De-dollarization = a Golden 2024 Welcome to the new year, beloved HAI readers. It promises to be a doozy. History generally suggests [...]
Happy New Year! With just a few short days before the New Year, HAI would like to wish all readers the happiest of happy New Year’s Eve festivities and a [...]
Great Expectations & What Isn’t Priced In? The major market event this week was still the same major market event of last week. In this week’s light [...]
An Interesting Situation This week was an interesting one. After Wednesday’s FOMC meeting, it’s now fairly clear that Fed chair Powell’s Volker [...]
Patience, Curveballs, and Golden Gifts Many moons ago, Ben Franklin famously said that in this world nothing is certain “except death and taxes.” Perhaps [...]
Out of the Gate and Ready to Run HAI’s working thesis is that global financial markets are in the late stages of a massive confidence bubble. Amid the [...]
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend! This week HAI is just prices. This author wishes all of you the happiest of happy Thanksgivings! See you next week! Weekly [...]
Confidence Bubbles and Pipe Dreams This week, the stock market boomed. The number one instigator for the bullish surge in equity prices was a [...]
All the King’s Men This week was nothing short of a bloodbath for the hard asset trade, and, to some degree, a continuation of the sheer bliss that began [...]
Writing on the Wall? This week, HAI is coming to you from the Big Easy on the banks of the mighty Mississippi. This author is attending the New Orleans [...]
Confidence Sand Piles and Omnipotent Feelings With the MWM “Hard Asset Difference” event on Thursday and weekend travel obligations, this week’s HAI is [...]
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