
Silver Bar 1000 Troy Ounces
Silver offers investors a higher price volatility in general than that of gold, which can present greater short term opportunities, albeit with higher risks. Many investors choose silver because of its relatively lower price per ounce compared to gold and other precious metals. The fundamentals determining silver’s price historically differ from those affecting other financial assets. Some of these fundamentals include:
Silver bullion is typically the most affordable option for adding silver to your portfolio. Size generally dictates the price; usually the larger the product, the lower the price. Fluctuations in premiums can create more opportunities for compounding ounces. Silver bars offer a tangible asset that is a long term inflation hedge and can provide compounding ounces opportunities between other precious metals. Silver bars offer an excellent larger form of storage for silver ounces, however many investors who own silver bars also explore additional storage options as the weight and size of the bars can be substantial.
Silver bars are an easy way to own silver and have maintained demand and value throughout history. Additionally silver’s increasing demand in electronics and industrial machines adds another element of demand that has aided silver’s value over time.
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