Gold Long Term Outlook As US Debt Tops $27 Trillion | Golden Rule Radio

Golden Rule Radio • Oct 15 2020
Gold Long Term Outlook As US Debt Tops $27 Trillion | Golden Rule Radio
MPM Posted on October 15, 2020

US Debt is now over $27 trillion. Congress has completely ignored any debt ceiling or spending limits, with more money printing to come, borrowing $3 trillion in three months. Central banks have printed more than $10 trillion in response to the pandemic. With this record inflationary environment both gold and silver are set for bullish long term rises with shorter term compressions that are taking place right now. This week we will review the price movements of gold, silver, platinum, palladium, US Dollar index, and more. Thanks for listening, if you enjoy be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for weekly precious metals price updates and geopolitical commentary.



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