This week we cover the recent price movements of gold and silver as we are entering the next wave of gold’s strong bull market. There are a few [...]
Will The Most Owned Stock In History Become The Most Sold Stock In History? Platinum Deficit Is Coming. Do You Own Some? Call For Your Bank Rating – [...]
With the triumph of progressivism in America has come a confidence in humans’ ability to govern many things previously believed to be self-regulating. This [...]
This week we discuss the price movements of gold, silver, the US Dollar index, DJIA, and more. The general market has so much uncertainty, with the VIX [...]
Central Banks Still Big Gold Buyers, Public Yet To Enter Buffett & Munger On Stocks: “Prepare For Lower Returns” Bank Woes Scapegoat Is The [...]
America’s current leadership clearly believes the biggest problems facing the nation are the inequality of status and means among residents, the hurt [...]
This week we recap the price surge in gold as it pushed up to $2060 Thursday morning amid further fears of bank failures and stock declines. The Fed raised [...]
Goldman Sachs Housing Affordability Index At Lowest Level Ever Non-confirmation in the DJIA & DJTA Could Spell Trouble Richard Russell: “Every [...]
In the long history of empires, there have typically been detailed accounts of the decline and fall of the center. Greece, Rome, Byzantium, France, Turkey, [...]
The US Dollar is running out of gas as gold has taken a breath at the $2000 level. As more indicators show that a recession is on the way we discuss the timing [...]
Central Banks Accumulate More Gold Than Ever Chile Nationalizes All Lithium Assets Why Is China Aggressively Building out Its Railroads? Required Reading [...]
In one of his famous pearls of wisdom, King Solomon advised, “by wise guidance you can wage war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Though [...]
This week we talk about the skyrocketing demand for physical gold and silver. We are seeing 2009 volume in a 2007-style market, which could very quickly lead [...]
Barring A Sudden Shock, The Doller Hegemony Will Last Longer Than Many Think CBDC Turning A Tool Of Independence Into A Tool Of Social Control Pouring [...]
The important thing to realize about economic policy is that it’s not just about abstract theory that policy junkies throw around behind closed doors. It’s [...]
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