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Weekly Commentary • Jul 01 2015
Paper Castles and 21st Century Feudalism

About this week’s show:  Gargantuan debt blocking recovery  Greece is only an excuse, just the tip of the iceberg  Everyone needs gold in 3 different [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jul 1, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 25 2015
June 24, 2015; George Gilder: Bitcoin, Gold & Freedom

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “You need stable carriers in order to accommodate human creativity, and you need freedom [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 25, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 24 2015
George Gilder: Bitcoin, Gold & Freedom

About this week’s show: Money = time, knowledge = wealth, learning = growth A million dollars in 1913 is now only $20,000 today! Velocity is the freedom to [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 24, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 19 2015
June 17, 2015; Texas Governor to Fed: “Give Us Our Gold”

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “I prefer the tensions that exist with freedom of choice. I prefer the possibility of [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 19, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 17 2015
Texas Governor to Fed: “Give Us Our Gold”

About this week’s show:  A billion in gold to be moved to Texas  “Recovery Story” loses credibility, Fed cannot raise rates  Student loans: [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 17, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 12 2015
June 10, 2015; The Trap: Borrow Lots and Buy Stocks!

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “They’re tipping the scales right now toward there being class warfare. What everyone [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 12, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 10 2015
The Trap: Borrow Lots and Buy Stocks!

About this week’s show: Stock margin debt tops 500 billion: be very afraid Gold shares/physical silver outperforming gold: good sign Raise cash & gold [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 10, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 05 2015
June 3, 2015; An Overseas Conversation With Don McAlvany

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “The way you and I would have analyzed stocks, the way I did analyze stocks 30-40 years [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 5, 2015
Weekly Commentary • Jun 03 2015
An Overseas Conversation With Don McAlvany

About this week’s show:  Cashless society redux- people control  Greatest risks, greatest surprises  Political and Social Change- an outsiders view The [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Jun 3, 2015
Weekly Commentary • May 29 2015
May 27, 2015; Alan Newman: Don’t Ride the Stock Market Down Again!

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “You’re talking about something that is an asset that you can hold onto. It’s real. [...]

David McAlvany Posted on May 29, 2015
Weekly Commentary • May 27 2015
Alan Newman: Don’t Ride the Stock Market Down Again!

About this week’s show: Every equity warning signal is screaming, “OVER PRICED.” The greatest value today? Gold and old stocks. “My Dad was a Stock [...]

David McAlvany Posted on May 27, 2015
Weekly Commentary • May 22 2015
May 20, 2015; If you don’t OWN GOLD, you don’t know history

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick “There is always a first. This time could be different. We live in a brave new world [...]

David McAlvany Posted on May 22, 2015
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