Market Volatility Approaching New Highs

Golden Rule Radio • Aug 09 2024
Market Volatility Approaching New Highs
MPM Posted on August 9, 2024

Here’s our weekly recap of the precious metals markets for August 7. As of this recording, here is where precious metals stand:

It’s been a surprisingly volatile week for precious metals — including gold, with a high and a low difference of about $100. However, gold is the most steady of the metals right now.

The price of gold is down about 2% to $2410 as of this recording.

Gold is down about 2% since last week
Silver is down about 7% or about $27 since our recording last week.

Silver with more aggressive decline

Platinum is down 6% to around $920, almost breaking below $900 during the week. 

Platinum down 6%

Palladium has declined 5% to around $880 from a week earlier. 

Palladium down 5%

Looking at the broader equities market… 

The DJIA has declined about 4% this week. 

The Dow Transports have lost about 6% in the past week. 

The S&P 500 has also declined about 6% this week.

The NASDAQ 100 is down 8% week over week. 

The dollar is up 1% over the week — it had a technical bounce, losing 1% during the week but now upas of this recording.  

Japan Selloff 

On Monday, the Japanese markets had a big selloff after Japan’s Central Bank increased its interest rate by 0.15%. The Nikkei 225 lost 20% after the move.  This decline rocked the global markets early this week, causing a broad selloff.

Gold > Bitcoin 

Some investors believe that Bitcoin is the new gold. If that were the case, Bitcoin should have increased — but instead, it is down 10% this week. Bitcoin is more likely to move in tandem with the broader markets.

Unlike Bitcoin, gold can be used for stability in a portfolio amid market turmoil and geopolitical tension. It is also a hedge against inflation and the dollar. 

Secure Your Future 

With all of the huge declines seen in the markets between 5% – 8%, gold is the only asset that declined marginally — just 2% week over week. This illustrates the balance gold brings to a portfolio in minimizing the drawdown on a portfolio. 

If you’re ready to protect your portfolio with the power of gold, McAlvany is here to help. Get in touch with one of our trusted precious metals advisors for a free, no-obligation portfolio review. We can be reached at 800-525-9556.

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