Investing in a time of immense cultural and political change is like trying to rope a cow during an earthquake. (This is a theoretical analogy. The writer is [...]
Complexity is fascinating to study and mesmerizing to watch. Whether it’s a sidewinder moving across the sand, a strand of DNA, the movement of the ocean, or [...]
The apocryphal story of Damocles’ unsheathed sword suspended over his head by a thread is just about right for Americans today. Our monetary system is [...]
Given that so much public activity today is geared toward tearing down the pillars of Western Civilization and that sound money and free market capitalism are [...]
With the triumph of progressivism in America has come a confidence in humans’ ability to govern many things previously believed to be self-regulating. This [...]
America’s current leadership clearly believes the biggest problems facing the nation are the inequality of status and means among residents, the hurt [...]
In the long history of empires, there have typically been detailed accounts of the decline and fall of the center. Greece, Rome, Byzantium, France, Turkey, [...]
In one of his famous pearls of wisdom, King Solomon advised, “by wise guidance you can wage war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” Though [...]
The important thing to realize about economic policy is that it’s not just about abstract theory that policy junkies throw around behind closed doors. It’s [...]
America continues to emphasize socialism and identity politics rather than the development of strong character and the competent shepherding of scarce [...]
A large part of the difficulty fiscal conservatives have had with America’s economic system since 1913 is that they’ve known what the eventual end of it [...]
As in a football game, economics and finance are subject to both enforced laws (such as boundaries and rules) and immutable laws (such as gravity and equal and [...]
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