3 Investing Tips For The Coronavirus Market Crisis

Precious Metals • Mar 06 2020
3 Investing Tips For The Coronavirus Market Crisis
MPM Posted on March 6, 2020

The Coronavirus poses a real risk of lower economic growth around the globe and if you don’t have your portfolio positioned correctly, your savings could feel the impact.

What can I do to help offset the volatility in the equities markets due to the Coronavirus market crisis

  1. De-risk your portfolio:

    Take the opportunity to assess what’s in your portfolio and your risk-tolerance level. This means taking the time to understand what you’re invested in and why. A well-diversified portfolio can withstand uncertainty in the market. Take the time to understand what companies in your portfolio rely on supplies from countries affected by the Coronavirus outbreak and reposition accordingly.

  2. Hedge against risk

    Having a bit of insurance in your portfolio is always a smart idea, especially in times like these. You work hard for your savings and tangible assets offer a long-term vehicle for preservation and growth during times of uncertainty. Gold is up over 40% since 2017 and up 10% in 2020 so far.

  3. Don’t let fear rule

    In volatile times like these, fear can easily control the actions of investors. Taking a smart level-headed approach to investing is always the wise decision. Facing the markets with the caution they deserve will let you and your savings be in the best possible position.


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