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Weekly Commentary • Nov 28 2012
America: Reports of Death Greatly Exaggerated

About this week’s show: Getting worse before it gets better Redistribution begins What is Republic? The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 28, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Nov 21 2012
November 21, 2012; The Transformation of War

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, we are seeing the bombs fly right now in Israel. I know you were in Israel [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 21, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Nov 02 2012
October 31, 2012; John Embry – Gold Bull

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, it pays to talk to people who were alive and active during cycles that were [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Nov 2, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 31 2012
John Embry – Gold Bull

About this week’s show: Gold supply WILL NOT keep up with demand The public entry into gold has not even started yet Huge “paper gold” holdings are only [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 31, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 25 2012
October 24, 2012; A Meeting With the Brightest Minds

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, today we join you as you are passing through the airport in Newark on your [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 25, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 24 2012
A Meeting With the Brightest Minds

About this week’s show: What happens if interest rates stay low for years? What does oil inflation look like? With gold it’s all about low supply and [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 24, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 19 2012
October 18, 2012; The Gold Standard

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, over the last few weeks, we have looked at gold, and we have looked at it for [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 19, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 17 2012
The Gold Standard

A look at this week’s show: Steve Forbes calls for a gold solution to paper currency Paper currency inflation slowly steals our standard of living Gold [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 17, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 12 2012
October 10, 2012; Collapse of the Current Monetary System?

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, today we continue our conversation with Ian McAvity. One of the things that [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 12, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 10 2012
Collapse of the Current Monetary System?

About this week’s show: Gold’s growth ahead far greater than what’s behind Just how smart is the average investor? Ian McAvity Dow/Gold Target: One to [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 10, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 05 2012
October 3, 2012; Ian McAvity Interview – Part 1

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary with David McAlvany and Kevin Orrick Kevin: David, some people have been in this business so long that they have seen cycles, [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 5, 2012
Weekly Commentary • Oct 03 2012
Ian McAvity Interview – Part 1

About this week’s show: Stock markets worldwide may be topping Gold has already made a new high in the Euro currency Gold and silver ratio secrets About the [...]

David McAlvany Posted on Oct 3, 2012
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