Lady Liberty

Uncategorized • Sep 10 2022
Lady Liberty
MPM Posted on September 10, 2022

American Eagles use the durable 22 karat standard established for gold circulating coinage over 350 years ago. They contain their stated amount of pure gold, plus small amounts of alloy. This creates harder coins that resist scratching and marring, which can diminish resale value. Minted to exacting standards, the obverse (front) design is inspired by what’s often considered America’s most beautiful coin: Augustus Saint Gaudens’ celebrated $20 gold piece, minted from 1907-33. The reverse features a nest of American Eagles, symbolizing family tradition and unity.

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  • For over 50 years, we’ve helped thousands of families achieve their financial goals.
  • For over 50 years, we’ve helped thousands of families achieve their financial goals.
  • For over 50 years, we’ve helped thousands of families achieve their financial goals.
  • For over 50 years, we’ve helped thousands of families achieve their financial goals.
  • For over 50 years, we’ve helped thousands of families achieve their financial goals.

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