How To Double Your Ounces

Resources • Sep 08 2022
How To Double Your Ounces
MPM Posted on September 8, 2022

Make Your Money Last Longer in Retirement and Beyond

You probably remember a time when you could fill your grocery cart with a week’s worth of food, refill your gas tank, and still have plenty of cash left over. But with prices rising for everything from home expenses to food bills to utilities, your dollars just don’t go as far as they used to.

During your working years, you might be able to make up for shortfalls by cutting back on expenses or working more. But when you start planning for retirement, it’s essential that your hard-earned money last for as long as you will.

That’s where precious metals can help.

Adding them as insurance to your portfolio can help preserve the value of your assets — and provide a way to securely grow them.

Why is Gold a Good Investment in a High Inflation Environment?

Gold has been used as currency since ancient times. It is real and tangible.

Before the US abandoned the gold standard in 1971, all of your dollars were backed by gold. Now, dollars are a paper promise of value, which can easily lose value as more dollars are printed.

Gold is a safe-haven asset. The value of gold tends to increase when inflation is on the rise. And the price of gold is less vulnerable to market fluctuations.

In addition, gold is a highly liquid asset. It can be sold easily and turned into cash when you need it. So keeping a portion of your cash in gold can secure its value while making it easy to access.

Of course, if you want to preserve more of your wealth, it helps to have more ounces of gold in the protection side of your portfolio. And there’s a simple, elegant way to increase the number of ounces you own with the ratio trading strategy.

How to Double Your Ounces of Gold With Trading

The gold and silver ratio trading strategy works by looking at the ratio of the prices of gold and silver. If the ratio is high, it means that gold is more expensive than silver, and if the ratio is low, it means that silver is more expensive than gold.

Well, what if there was a way to save without the risk of loss caused by government or financial emergency, but which also offered the opportunity for gain?

Your financial advisor will strategically look at the price of gold versus the price of silver and trade between the two precious metals. For example, if the ratio is high, your advisor may decide to buy silver, expecting the price to go up as the ratio changes.

If the ratio is low, your advisor may decide to buy gold, expecting the price to go up as the ratio changes. By trading back and forth, your advisor can incrementally add more ounces of gold to your portfolio.

Could You Double Your Ounces Trading Metals On Your Own?

If you had the expertise to be an active precious metals investor — and the time to dedicate to managing your own portfolio, you might be able to increase your gold ounces through trading.

But it’s much easier to work with an experienced investment team that has managed the wealth of thousands of families and helped them build their legacies.

No asset accomplishes the first goal better than gold.

“In 2003 we purchased 40 ounces of Platinum from my ICA advisor. We traded those for 140 ounces of Palladium in 2009. Recently, we sent back the Palladium and switched to Platinum again, receiving 95 ounces. We now have more than double the ounces of Platinum that we started with and triple the dollar value that we originally invested.”

 R.R. – Minnesota

For over 50 years, McAlvany has managed gold and precious metals investments to grow their value without adding risk. 

Learn what precious metals are primed for ratio trading strategies right now by contacting an advisor.

Should You Invest in Gold and Other Precious Metals Right Now?

With rampant inflation and market uncertainty, investing in precious metals right now can protect the value of your hard-earned dollars — no matter what happens in the future.

McAlvany can help you purchase physical gold, silver, and other precious metals with minimal transaction costs. We will store your precious metals for you in our secure storage facility.

The best way to start investing in precious metals is to work with experts who will guide you to find the best options for your unique needs. 

McAlvany offers zero commitment, no-obligation consultations with our expert advisors to help you find the right investment strategy. 

To get started, contact us for a free consultation: 1-800-525-9556.

Download your PDF copy of How to Double Your Ounces below.


Learn how to double your ounces
without investing another dollar

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